Videos from the NMI Conference 2022
Established over 25 years ago to support semiconductor manufacturing companies and suppliers, the NMI continues to grow in numbers. We are still one of the longest standing organisations representing the semiconductor industry in the UK.
Following the challenging two years we have all faced, as an industry we have been resilient while navigating and adapting to a new way of thinking and working. We have improved products and services and developed new technologies to cope with ever increasing demands while addressing societal challenges to maintain and create advanced and sustainable economies.
At our conference we heard from industry leaders on the changes and improvements they have implemented over this period to enable sustainability and growth within their organisation.
There was also a well-attended networking opportunity at the hotel on the evening of the 26th July, which gave our attendees the chance to connect and chat prior to conference day.

Jillian Hughes (NMI) opened the conference and took the opportunity to highlight the work NMI is doing with the Government and that Jillian believed NMI are the voice of the Semiconductor Industry.

Gerry Thurgood (Thermco Systems) discussed the current supply chain, strengths and weakness and where he believed Government support is needed.

Benjamin Walden (DCMS) explained the current Government strategy is to get input from all interested parties before making any new policy decisions. DCMS is one department tasked with collating this information. The delegate message to Benjamin was the Industry needs substantial Government support to compete on the same footing as the rest of the world.

The clear message from the Continues Improvement session (David Ogden & Dave Butler (Diodes), Daniel Picado (Bourns) and Jony Kelly (Analog Devices)) was that reducing the opportunities for Human error by correcting poor Processes was the key to reducing material scrappage.

Alan James (Semefab) presented via video. It should not be missed that all the current Semiconductor Manufacturing sites are looking to or are already expanding. Getting equipment and staff is a great concern to all sites.

PR Douglas Paul from University of Glasgow gave a fascinating presentation on the use of Quantum Imaging for future needs. Truly ground breaking research from UK Universities.

Charles Sturman (SoC The next Frontier). The future of the SOC, System on a Chip, the challenges and expectations of an ever more connected Digital World.

The Topic of the Panel Session was Challenges and opportunities for UK semiconductor startup companies – how does this compare with other countries?
Alan Banks led the discussion and the Panel consisted of Sean Redmond, Caroline O’Brien, Amar Abid-Ali and Ken Williamson.