Commercial Counsellor, U.S. Department of Commerce
International Trade Administration
U.S. Embassy in London
Brenda VanHorn is a career member of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Foreign Service. She serves in London as Commercial Counselor assisting American businesses expand their global markets, and UK businesses interested in investing in the United States.
Previously she has served in India where she worked extensively on supply chain issues during the COVID pandemic. Other postings were in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Poland where she has assisted businesses with winning foreign tenders, expanding markets, resolving trade disputes. She started her Commercial Service career in the Buffalo NY Export Assistance Center – where she previously had been a client while working as an International Trade Account Manager in the private sector.
She is the recipient of two Superior Honor Awards and multiple Meritorious service Awards for her work in leading Commercial Service teams. She is a graduate of Houghton College, Houghton NY.